
Alaska! I finally made it!
I have been fascinated by Alaska ever since I was a small boy. When I heard tales of glaciers, polar bears, the Northern Lights, and 24 hour daylight in the summer, I swore that someday I would travel there and see it for myself. By the time I had reached college, I began to dream of someday riding there. For years I've stared longingly at maps and dreamed of the day I would arrive in this fabled land, and it had finally come.
I'm actually getting all vehklempt (as Mike Myers would say) writing about this. To fulfill a dream like this is beyond description. To some people this might just be a fool's errand, to others, something that is pretty run-of-the-mill. But to me, this was IT.
To all those dreamers out there, I have this to say to you: go make your dream happen. Stop letting your "responsibilities" hold you back. Life is far too short and our time here far too precious not to. Did I suffer to make this happen? Sure. Are my credit cards ready to burst into flames? Absolutely. Do I miss my girlfriend, my family, my friends, my home, my Xbox, playing guitar, good Thai food, and everything else I left behind? Of course. But it has all been worth it.
Go ride to your Alaska. Don't wait for "someday," make it happen now.
Go live your dreams.
There will always be a reason why we shouldn't do this, that or the other thing. Being true to your spirit is the most important thing. Ride on, Mateo.
You made it, Dude!!! Awesome!!! Alaska is the balls, especially at this time of the summer. Keep your eyes open for bald-headed eagles, brown bear and more moose than you can shake a fist at - they'll probably be standing in the middle of the road, refusing to budge. Hope you have the time of your life, and I'll keep the light on for you back here in Brooklyn, so you can find your way safely back home.
Bill Indick
ME -
Well put! We can make excuses or "carpe diem." But we only live this life once, right?
Remember, all men die, but not all men live.
I shall continue to ride on, old friend... hopefully I'll see you on the road!
ME (the OTHER ME!)
Alaska is great! I have never been so amazed so many times in a single day of riding.
I've seen one or two bald or golden eagles (I think - they were airborne, so it was hard to tell), no bears (although I did see one on the Al-Can), and lots of moose on the sides of the roads.
I am absolutely having the time of my life, and I appreciate you keeping the light on! I'll be back in Brooklyn shortly and we'll catch up further then!
Give M a Twinkie for me.
Thanks, Brother! Come up to NYC again in the fall so we can hang out! I promise I won't bore you with lots of pics from this trip (you've already seen the best ones anyway!).
Ride On!
Hey Honey,
Congratulations! I am so proud to know you.
Hey "Pirate" -
Well, you know me better than anyone! And I, of course, am proud to know you, Sweetness!
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