Friday, July 08, 2005

Somewhere Over The...

For the first three days I was in Canada, it rained on and off (mostly on), which made for a lot of cold, wet, sometimes miserable riding. However, more than once in the past I've been rewarded by a fantastic rainbow during a rainy day of riding. I can't speak for anyone else, but they still thrill me and leave me awed.

This was a double rainbow (you can sorta see the second one in the upper left-hand corner) I saw on Route 97 west of Chetwynd, BC. The more prominent rainbow was so real looking, I almost felt like I could reach out and touch it. You could even really distinguish the violet, which is pretty rare.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture. And thanks for the F@#^!ing post%$^$card of the f^@#ing Joshua F^#%^@ing Tree you muthaf%$%^#!

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I do not know what came over me.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just learned of your excursion and I love the blog. Yippee for going out and doing what you've always wanted to do.
Have to say I esp. loved your acct of getting the ticket. It reminded me of when I got a ticket with you from the Poconos. You said EXACTLY the same things!
And thanks for saying us losers who still smoke are cool. Smoking is cool dammit.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Mathew Elsner said...

Thanks, Sam!

2:48 AM  
Blogger Mathew Elsner said...


I'm guessing R saw your post and kicked yer ass, hence the apology...hehe...

I'm glad you liked the postcard - I had to crash my bike to get it!


2:50 AM  
Blogger Mathew Elsner said...


I'm so glad you like the blog! And thanks for the encouragement - I'm getting a little down lately for a number of reasons (mechanical stuff, lack of internet & cell phone, etc) and it is encouraging to hear things like that.

I remember that ticket in the Poconos! You were going even slower than I was, if memory serves. PA is NOT the place to speed - those fascist bastards WILL bust you (I got one of the three speeding tickets in my life there).

Smoking is and always will be cool. Having a blase attitude towards semi-suicidal things has always been attractive for some reason. It also is sorta sexy (probably 'cuz people make kissy faces every time they take a drag) and gives you something to do with your hands. Of course, it also makes you smell nasty and cough up gnarly things in the morning, which makes it a little LESS cool.

And now, nearly eight years after my last Marlboro, I still think about it wistfully...

Email me your address and I'll send ya a postcard from Alaska!


3:01 AM  
Blogger thinkpad_84 said...

hi...was browsing n came to your blog.rain makes me feel free! and ur idea of biking around appeals a a femsle biker i'mthrilled by rain n bike rides! i hope you get to bike out some day.

3:21 AM  
Blogger Mathew Elsner said...

Hi Thinkpad-

Sometimes riding in the rain can be very cool, but other times it is a bit of a chore.

It gets to be even less fun when you have a hole in the crotch of the rain lining of your riding pants, as I discovered the other day. Ugh.

Hopefully I'll see you on the road sometime, but it is a long way from here to Delhi!

Ride On!


4:01 AM  

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