Camping at the End of the Earth (or at least Nova Scotia)

After riding the length of U.S. 1 up the coast of Maine, I crossed into Canada and made a dash across New Brunswick. Actually, "dash" wouldn't exactly be correct - the province is really pretty big. I spent the night in the lovely town of Moncton, NB, then headed south into Nova Scotia the next morning.
I managed to make it to Sydney by late afternoon and then proceeded to get hopelessly lost on some backroads while looking for the campground where I had a reservation (one wrong turn actually had me turning right into someone's driveway while they stared at me from their front porch in bewilderment). I ended up just following the water until I came upon the little village of River Ryan and found the campground completely by accident. It was a cozy little private campground and the hosts gave me a nice spot right by the water.