
Bugs are EVERYWHERE on the road. They can really be a nuisance and do a great job of making a disgusting mess of themselves when they commit suicide against your windshield or faceshield. Last summer on a ride back from Montreal, I actually had to pull over on the highway to scrape a bug off of my faceshield that covered most of it and was SOOO gross I thought I was going to lose my lunch. Having something that nasty two inches from your eyes can be a bit much at times.
This lovely specimen flew up the right hand sleeve of my jacket and died between my riding glove and sleeve over the course of the next hour or so. I saw it fly in and tried to shake it out, but to no avail. If you have a 17" monitor this will likely be almost life-size on your screen; it was about 2 1/2" long.
Needless to say, I'll be keeping my sleeves better closed in the future - I don't want any more stowaways on my wrists on this trip.
purty little specimen you got there
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